

Its a new year guys and I hope you all are filled with the things of God. I pray this year will be full with health prosperity and a continual wanting to feel good about your life you guys deserve it.  Have a great year and stay tune as God continually leads us through fellowship God bless you all!


How are you guys doing? I'm praying that you all are sound in spirit and in mind and living full lives. God has expressed his way of total fulfilling to me for you all. Keep the faith and remember your covered by God's grace God bless you all!


Well its another year and I pray that you all are living a good life full with the things of God. As you endeavor through this year stay connected here through study and devotion as we venture on. God bless you all!


This has already become a great year minister has already met a lot of new interesting people. What I try to do is incorporate God's way that's it Rev knows better but I enjoy my life minus a few things. Know don't get me wrong the flesh is tempting but God is always willing. So with that being said whether your fleshing, caressing or just adjusting keep it 100 hey that's the only way to be. You'll get better in your business decision and making things right just let go and allow God. You guys are great my friends God bless you all! 


Praises today we have made it another full year at the web site ministry I pray that all of you guys have been blessed and full with the things of God. I pray that you guys are mentally and spiritually strong in the things of God your health and families are well God bless Happy New Years.


Blessing to all you guys I hope all of you are full of the things of God and are doing tremendous. We have almost made it another full year here at the web ministry and God has given insightful reports that there's growth and development and individuals are doing right in his way. I pray that you all are developing and gaining more of a solid way of living appropriately. God bless you all stay tuned here!


Well hello again how are you guys doing we have come full circle again and made another year. I hope everyone has been complacent and blessed in their spirit. God is good he is really working overtime to help this world to heal all those who are willing to receive him! I pray this year be a full year of direction encouragement, blessing, physical and mentally healing for you all. God bless and stay connected here Happy New Years 2021!


Hello how are you guys doing I hope blessed and full with the things of God. I will be changing our bible study times now from Fridays to Saturdays do to Rev's schedule I though it would be a better day because of my work week and freeing of sit down times. God is so good and impactive for the person who deliberately stays faithful in study and in spirit. These are some trying times do to the Cov19 Panedemic stay safe and inside. I have been faithful for over 10 years with our studies on the website ministry continually bringing material so I know you guys are firm in your faith God bless you all!


Well its another year guys and were still here sound in spirit and mind that's a real reason to give God praise! Happy New Years to all of you dynamic men and women of God, I pray that you all are blessed abundantly over flowingly in every area of your lives. We will continue on here in likeness whether study or hymn praying for a great 2020 God bless you all! 


Just giving God a shout of thanks praying that everybody is doing good no matter what your going through know that God is able and that he loves you. Know that you can always change your life and become a better person, I've always had that inner encounter of what if I would of done this or that well I'm your friend in the spirit know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! I personally don't like being a hypocrit Guys Rev's a converted spirit but still human, so I understand. I want you guys to stay tuned with our Bible Studies here at least that way you got something. I've not been  posting sermons on the you tube channel for reasons but I think possibly I will post old sermons soon so stay tuned I will let you know stay encouraged, keep the faith, and have a safe sound life God bless you all! 


Hello to all my friends of righteousness. I pray that you all have a source thats uncompromisable to none. That everyone is doing good at least has something positive in their lives encouraging and know that whatever your going through God is more than able. I want you guys to stay full of good understanding and know the things meant to divert you away from being the best you can be. This is our 10th year now at this web ministry and it has been everything that God has designed. Learn to be thankful of the little things in your life if you just have a bible and can open it up and spend time with God that's enough, it's better than nothing you will always do good in right spirit and intent! This is a site not to be complicated but to be motivating to the sense you can log on via the internet and we can communion as like spirits well until I want you guys to know your my favorite friends and to stay encouraged and filled right in your life love always Rev Elliott God bless you all!   


Well hello again how are you guys doing? I hope everyone is sound in mind and spirit there are many bad things out there crazy and over zealous trying to take over individuals lives. God loves you guys his love is everlasting remember that there's no match or equal. I hope everyone has been allowed to receive greater within your spirit and life to stay encouraged and rightfully fulfilled. We live in a time were as the adversary is trying to steal people's joy and happiness. Well for today my message is DO YOU, stay fulfilled, love your life, love the lord and do I stay the commandment of God. Well until again you guys keep it simple keep it real and stay away from others that don't mean you any good! Stay connected here continually with our great website ministry and be fulfilled right over and over again with love by me Rev Elliott Williams God bless you all! 


Well hello to all of you outstanding individuals I have been praying that all of you are successful continually in all of your endeavors and that you continually have the mindset and attitude to keep consuming the things of God. Were in our warm months of the year now so Rev will throw a shout out to all you dynamical spirits. Whether your lounging in the warm weather, bargueing or just being devoured in the spirit you guys enjoy yourselves this summer be safe have fun continually God bless Rev Elliott Williams!


I will be changing our bible study times, I will now be posting the studies weekly on Sundays I thought this would be a better day to start our studies, if you go to your local church or study here you can take in the studies beginning the first day of the week well intil you guys continually consume things that are sound have a safe and productive life blessing Rev. Elliott


Hello great spirits we will be continuing on here with our weekly bible studies on the website, I will post the studies sometimes early do to my weekly schedule try to get questions for the study wrote down by Saturday. I encourage all you dynamical men and women of God to continually follow and stay full Rev. Elliott Williams


Hello I want say blessings to all you guys I pray that your lives have become more stable and your depending on that source that truly fulfills. I encourage all you true men and women of God to stay connected here at our website ministry God has been giving me reports that you guys are becoming partaken into his best God bless you all you guys are great your friend and brother Rev. Elliott Williams.


Hello again I want to say that God is good we will be continually here at our website ministry I encourage you all to stay connected mobile or via the internet and continually be blessed.


Hello again I want to give a word of encouragement to all of those who get spiritual materials here on our website ministry. God has been giving me encouraged reports that whomever have ran into this web ministry have been blessed. I just want to encourage all of you guys to keep living wholesome lives by being productive in all the things that you do remember Jesus is lord and that God will reward you for all the things that you do rightfully stay encouraged and continually intuned Blessings to all of you guys!  


Hello again I want to update you guys with what's been going on here at the website ministry, we will be continuing on here with our daily devotions every day and our audio posting. I want to encourage you all to stay abundant in the things of God and stay rightfully fulfilled God bless you all!


Hello again I welcome you guys all back here to the website ministry. Rev has been away for some time now, but you all have truly been in my spirits. I pray that Gods manifested Glory over takes and abides rightfully in all of your lives. As we embark and continue on with what God gives interms of his soulful identity I pray that you all stay blessed and fulfilled rightfully stay intune. God bless you all


I have now changed the media server we no longer are viewing our services at mediashare.com a windows affliate due to files not being totally viewable on some phones, computers, laptops and all other applicable media devices you have. I recently went to youtube I felt that this server allowed for better and more consistency with our video and audio files. To view the file simply type in the "name" of what the sermon will pop up as on the view file selection front page of youtube it should be "Rev. Elliott Williams" or what I put it in as on the front page of the ministry site sometimes it will change the audio file will pop up you will see my face after you put it in the youtube search quene, this way it is faster you won't have to search. I encourage all whom ever view the services to have a place where they can receive prayer and sermon continually log on and be blessed.


I will be soon changing the media server that gets out the video audio files here, I have recently ran into problems that don't allow every audio video file to be viewed this problem as I note it has just came to my attention I will be working on the problem continually we will be changing soon our mediashare account website to a different website where we view the audio video files stay intuned continually God bless you all! 


Due to technical difficulties the server was down 9-25-13 to 10-7-13 and we were not able to receive here on the website ministry, well were up and running again stay intuned and I hope that you guys stay continually fulfilled God bless you all!


Well I want to welcome everyone back here on our website ministry were up and running again, praise God. We will be changing our Bible Study times again to Wednesdays and our prayer and or service will still run beginning Sundays six days stay intuned daily and be fulfilled God bless you all! 


We will be having a down time on the Website Ministry due to moving, everything will be down for a around a week. There will be not new posting until up and running again until then stay fulfilled God bless you all! 


Do to time conflicts we will be changing our Bible Study, Prayer and Service times. What we will be doing know here on our Website Ministry is I will post starting June 1 Saturday our bible study and answers from here on out until further notice. We will continue here with our video file services of prayer and or service posting each week biweekly on Sundays. I pray that you guys stay fulfilled and continually encouraged by my word Rev. Elliott Williams God bless you all and stay continually intuned!


To all the food lovers out there our recipe page will be changing a little bit, instead of every month now new recipes will be posted every two months, you guys stay full and continually eat good food and enjoy God bless you all! 


I will be changing our Service and Prayer times do to continual time conflictments, I will be staying continual with our services posted weekly six days. What we will be doing now is we will continue with our bi weekly service of prayer and or service, but they will post from Thursday to Wednesday giving me more time now to keep everything up and going. I want you guys to stay fulfilled here on our website ministry God will be administering to me as I continually bring forth abundance in his truths, God bless and stay continually intuned!


2013 Happy New Years I pray that you guys have the best and are well received in all of your endeavors. We will continue on here at the website ministry look forward to more word inspired by God God Bless You all!


I thought it would be kind of a self unjustice for all those who truly love the word of God and has gotten us to hearing me preach not being able to continually receive is sometimes disappointing. So on that note I felt I should continually have something to feed on seven days of the week. So what we are going to do now here on the website ministry is I will have a prayer or service posted from week to week through out the seven days continually. I know if your like me you have to have that supplement so be blessed Pastor Elliott Williams.


We will be changing our Bible Study times to Wednesdays do to schedule rearrangements, I felt Wednesdays would give us a consistant and continual feeding date for the word of God. Also our Prayer service and or Sunday Service will run Sunday through Wednesdays God bless you all.

 August 26, 2011

Hello I thought I would clarify how I will be posting our weekly schedule again, continuing on with what the posting have been, I thought I would allow our Prayer Service and Sunday Service to run Sunday through Thursday five days and Our Bible Study Tutorial will Post every Friday to Friday. I felt this will allow for new biblical material to be received through out the week at different times. Also our Daily Devotionals have been very encouraging and inspiring to all those who read them daily, I will post them everyday instead of every one to three days.God bless you all and be fulfilled and made right continually.

Welcome to God Created Ministries

May 23, 2010

Welcome everyone here at the website ministry, I desire this website to enhance the experience of that believer that wants to grow and develop into a spiritually mature individual. Posted on the site are several pages, Bible tutorial page which I will post studies every week, with answers, a 30 minute long service, 25 minute intercession and prayer daily devotional page and a health and fitness. Daily devotionals will be posted everyday to every 3 days, devotionals are very good they self esteem and encourage. The services are produced in a closed room it allows me to get the word out consistently and effectively at a productive rate, log on and be blessed! 

Song For Joel.mp3