Daily Devotional

Functioning as you should because you mandate that your mind and spirit work in accordance in a right sound spiritual way, I was just reading this really startling article the other day that talked about confusion dysfunction and weariness of the spirit because those involved were open to consuming demonic things. Where at does it say that you stay in the things of God and then you can't enjoy your life and go and do other things? In the book of Galations it talks of living a life through the world but knowing how to continually conduct yourself as a right being. How be it doesn't seem like when you live for being right in God's site he takes care of all your needs and encounters from the stand point you never have a issue of falling weary, I have always said that greater will always be for that functioning right individual greater will be indeed. Keep a positive spirit and attitude, stay humble be thankful mind your own business you go through things to don't be a hyprocrite have a pleasant week guys God bless you all. 



1.  Ijon was a store -city in the northern frontier.

2. It was located in the hill area of Naphtali.

3. It was captured from Baasha king of Israel by Ben-hadad king of Syria.

4. A few scriptures that give reference to this subject is 1 K 15:20 and 2 Ch 16:4.

Weeks Summary: IJon was really a interesting place through much of its way it was seen as such. God desires for all places and situations to be as such when lead right through his way wholeness is seen.

This week look up the subject in the bible called "Gareb" 


1. Who was Gareb?

2. Whats a few scriptures that give to this understanding?

3. What does a prophet envision?

4.  Whats a scripture that gives to this understanding?






















"I show forth praises of God who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light" I Peter 2:9

Where the Mind is set free.........

Appointed by God sent by the Holy Spirit to guide spirits into truth